"Sanam Shah with her parentsThe Himalayas seem to have a profound effect on relationships. But now I am extremely happy and keep planning the next journey."Sanam too corroborates, "Time spent together as a family helps make the bond grow stronger. High on the snowbound road in picturesque Manali where Akhil stood looking at his father Rony, sporting a leather jacket with black leather gloves on his hands, knee guards protecting his knees and a helmet perched on his head, astride a Bullet revving it, impatient to hit the open roads, came a revelation, "I realised that this journey had brought back my young fearless father —albeit now with salt and pepper streaked hair and beard!"Through shared laughter, Rony admits that the Himalayan bike ride with his son was the biggest adventure of his life simply because after many long years, he could once again feel the wind in his face, the throttle in his hands and the gear beneath his feet, reliving his lost biker days. Though I stay with my parents, our everyday interactions are very transactional.

Now my mother is on Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp and I am so proud of her! I also introduced her to my model friends some of whom are from the LGBT community and unlike many other mothers; she has no issues interacting with them. Sometimes it takes going miles away from home to unfamiliar terrain to help better appreciate both your home and those who live there. But on a holiday, there is a lot of old world nostalgia floating about. There can be moments of revelation about how our parents met and their history — aspects that tend to refresh the parents and the children. My prayer now is to get my life extended by a few more years than destined. She says, "I didn’t know what I had been missing all these years. Later, my career in software industry kept me busy.."It’s all about loving your parentsFor every youngster who goes on a journey with his parents, there will be moments of disagreement, frustration and of adjustments to be made, but there will also be unforgettable moments of closeness, trust, vulnerability and nostalgia.  But polyurethane wheel through this trip, I could emotionally bond with my father like never before and see a side of him I had never seen at home!"Surya says, "The travels with my parents have brought us even closer."For Surya there is another big reason to be happy,  "As a human being, my mother has evolved and opened up! She has embraced the world whole-heartedly! It has to do with her intermingling with different kinds of people, staying with local people in the Himalayas, travelling by road seeing myriad sights and tasting different cuisines.Learn and unlearn togetherSurya opines that travelling with parents can undoubtedly lead to moments of revelations from both sides.

All these travels have helped my parents and me to connect with the child within, celebrating moments, living joyfully and taking every day as it comes. The more we travel outside the more we go inside our own being."Akhil Rony and father Rony on the banks of Pangong Lake.Ultimately in the most unfamiliar of places, children come to treasure anew those who had become so familiar that they had ceased to see them and gain a newfound appreciation for old relationships. I have never interacted deeply with my father after my college days. Surya realised that the world his parents grew up in was not the privileged world he grew up in, "I introduced them to my world in the course of these travels, teaching them to handle the latest smart phones. I am 60, diabetic and hadn’t hoped to see the world at this age.An excited Geetha, whose amazing journeys with her son will soon feature in a Malayalam movie titled Mother India directed by actor Shani Shaki, reveals that the trips have changed her into a different person. Akhil admits, "My travel reinforced my belief that only our parents will be the one constant in our lives

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